This page outlines what we can expect from one another.
Thank you for inviting us on your journey.
Well Within NH LLC agrees to provide coaching/consulting services with the aim to support and empower. We will always strive for your highest good. During our time together you can expect:
Trust and Safety: We will work towards creating a safe and supportive environment which will act as the foundation for exploring your values, goals, challenges, and possible barriers. We will remain focused on your needs and respect the confidentiality of what is shared in our time together.
Active Listening and Reflection: We commit to carefully listen and offer powerful questions that may challenge limiting beliefs. We will offer honest feedback. When applicable, we will facilitate clear and constructive communication amongst family members, caregivers or team members.
Goal Setting and Action Planning: We will support you in clarifying your desired outcomes. We will encourage the development of implementable steps to achieve your goals. We will identify plans that lead you to make empowered decisions.
Providing Guidance and Support: We will offer guidance and support in the form of education, perspectives, strategies, recommended tools. We will also offer practical advice, techniques, and resources to support you in building specific skills to achieve your desired outcome.
Growth Mindset and Professionalism: We will engage in ongoing education and training to enhance our skills and bring the most valuable insights to our work together. We also pledge to maintain high standards of professionalism and ethics.
As I enter into a coaching / consulting relationship with Well Within NH LLC, I agree to:
Open and Honest Participation: To actively participate in sessions with openness and honestly with myself and my coach/consultant. To provide background information that is accurate to the best of my knowledge. To communicate openly about my needs, progress, and ask clarifying questions if something is unclear.
Goal Clarity: To take the time to clarify and communicate my values and priorities so I can set goals that are meaningful to me. To be open to the possibility of improving my skills, confidence, relationships, and the functionality of my home routines as applicable.
Active Engagement: To follow through on action steps and complete agreed-upon exercises outside of sessions as best as I am able. I understand growth and change may take time and I have an opportunity with each moment to be the parent/person I want to be. I will be patient with myself and the process. I acknowledge that the intention of my coaching/consulting time together is for me to take the insights, tools, and strategies offered and apply them to my life in the spirit of curiosity and experimentation.
Responsibility and Disclaimers:
I acknowledge the outcome of my coaching/consultation is my responsibility.
I understand that coaching/consulting is not a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment. My Well Within provider can not diagnose a condition of mine, my child or family member.
I understand that coaching/consulting is a comprehensive process that may touch on many areas of my life including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. I acknowledge that implementing any changes is my responsibility.
I understand each Well Within provider has unique credentials and I coaching services I receive are limited to the scope of a coach’s role as outlined above and not more.